Escape the ______________.
Our tagline: Escape the ___________.
The ESC Conference is supposed to give you the chance to fill in the blank. Escape the grind. Escape the hustle. Escape the to do list. Escape the normal fluffy education.
One of Kassie’s through lines throughout this entire process has been escape the smoke and mirrors.
The smoke and mirrors that we all see on social media. It seems like every business owner has it freaking made. That marketing themselves and their businesses is easy.
Well, we’re here to tell you–it’s fucking not. Nothing about this is easy.
So we are pulling back the curtain. Blowing away the smoke and breaking the mirrors (is that a thing?).
Here’s what it boils down to:
We sucked at marketing.
Both Kassie and I have had a really freaking hard year. Kassie moved cross country and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I lost my childcare and have been busting ass keeping the Kentucky house afloat.
We launched the conference on August 31st, right after Kassie got to the east coast. By the end of September, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and figuring out what life was going to look like from that point forward.
Needless to say, we fell off the marketing bandwagon because life happened, and life happened hard.
Ironic considering we help others market their businesses on a daily freaking basis. But ya know, it is what it is. We can only learn from it. So now is go time because…
We need proof of concept.
This first year of the ESC Conference is a year to prove our concept.
Every podcast interview we go have, damn near every DM in our inbox is about how no one has ever heard of an event like this. That it’s needed. That it’s an unheard of experience. No other conference affords you the ability to stay under the same roof as the speakers. No other conference is all-inclusive. No other conference has thorough, structured networking events that can lead to lifelong business connections.
And yet…we have low ticket sales.
So we ask ourselves why? Why is there always a “but” at the end of every sentiment that’s telling us how incredible this event will be?
It comes down to something within the financial arena. The economy sucks. We want entrepreneurs in the growth stage, where funds are often strapped. The ticket price is high. Okay, we hear you.
No other educational experience is like this event.
We are all-inclusive. Your accommodations, food, and beverage are included in addition to the education and networking events.
We truly believe our event is what the creative entrepreneur community needs, but in order to prove ourselves, we are prioritizing attendance over profit.
The price literally sounds too good to be true at this point. We are covering only our hard costs and slashing the ticket prices in half permanently.
The ESC Conference ticket is now $2200, whereas it was $4,575 before.
This was not an easy decision for us to make. We have poured in a ton of time to this conference because we truly believe it is the missing piece to so many creative small business owners’ puzzles.
If this is an event and/or investment that you have been on the fence about…you now have the opportunity to come for a freaking steal of a price.
Purchase a ticket to the ESC Conference in Louisville, KY, at The Bungalou April 15-18!
Come join, me, Kassie, CHEVAL, and all of our other speakers!!! We can’t wait to meet you!