ESC Goal Planning Retreat 2024 Itinerary

The Brand, The Event • June 25, 2024

Pack your bags, ladiesss!! WE GOIN’ TO THE LAKE!

Live Footage from our Last Retreat

The ESC Goal Planning Retreat is set to take place this fall!

When: October 11-14, 2024
Where: York, SC on Lake Wylie
Theme: Adult Day Camp (but don’t worry – we aren’t making you sleep in tents 😉)

Inspired by the truth that successful entrepreneurs prioritize goal setting, we’re ditching the traditional “new year, new me” approach. This retreat is your chance to get ahead of the curve and start implementing your 2025 goals right away.

In true ESC fashion, we sprinkle in some hard-hitting business shit, along with a whole lotta fun! Here’s our itinerary for this retreat:

✨ Friday, October 11 ✨

Check-in after 4pm
Family Dinner – Yes, we all consider each other family and you will too by the time you leave. Promise you that.
Group Presentation – This is meant to be mysterious, but trust we will all be in stitches (the laughing kind, not the surgical kind) by the time it’s over.
Social – Almost certainly going to be some camp-themed crafts & cocktails.

✨ Saturday, October 12 ✨

Guided Goal Planning led by Ali & Kassie – This is going to be intense. Ali & Kassie don’t play around when it comes to goal setting and planning. Both of them (why am I speaking in third person…) will walk you through the goal planning process they use each year at their own goal planning retreat, so that you can formulate goals far beyond just the next quarter or even the next year. Get your vision board ready, ladies. We gonna make this shit happen.
Hot Seats – At the ESC Conference this past spring, the hot seat portion of the event was one of the most fruitful for our attendees, so we want to incorporate that into the retreat as well. This will be an intimate group of 10 maximum, so we everyone will get the chance to be in the hot seat!!
Office Hours – Pure implementation time. Anything you planned, learned, established…now is the time to set up the systems and execute! Not in solitary though…we will all be together to bounce ideas off of one another.
Social – More cocktails and probably a fire pit 🔥

✨ Sunday, October 13 ✨

Brand Analysis & Systems Deep Dive – Ali is a brand developer and Kassie is a systems guru. We are going to take each of our unique abilities and apply them to the attendees’ businesses. So yes – when you come, you will get a brand analysis as well as a systems audit…how freaking cool.
Hot Seat – The other half of the attendees will get their chance at the hot seat today.
Office Hours – More implementation time because, quite honestly, there is never enough time in the day to work on your business instead of just in your business. So we are building in that time here.
Field Trip – If you know us, you know we always have surprises up our sleeves. But don’t worry – we will send you a packing list beforehand so you’re prepared to face whatever adventure we have in store for ya.
Campfire & cocktails – Get LITTTT (again)!

✨ Monday, October 14 ✨

Check-out by 10am

So there ya have it – our goal planning retreat inspired by a TikTok that Kassie found at like 3am one night when she couldn’t sleep. True story: it was a woman saying how she got into a room full of millionaires and during Q3/Q4 they were planning for Q1/Q2 of the following year. This set our entire timeline because we are ready to rock👏🏻and👏🏻roll!

If you’d like to join us, don’t sleep on this! At the particular moment in time, only two spots are left for this retreat! You can purchase your ticket at this link!

See you at the lake!